The doll is watching you!

So, I get this email from someone I don’t know at all. All that is attached are a few pictures. There really isn’t anything wrong with the pictures, except for the fact that the doll scared the living shit out of me. I felt compelled to offer some advice.

From: Theresa ******* <theresa*********>
Subject: (no subject)
Date: 6 Oct, 2017


The lack of subject just seemed to enhance the threat, from my perspective.

From: John Silver <>
To: Theresa ******* <theresa*********>
Subject: Re: (no subject)
Date: 16 Oct, 2015

Thank you for the interesting and, frankly, disturbing images. I think you may have sent these to the wrong John Silver as I don't know anyone in these pictures. Although I once did have a doll that looked exactly like that, though unfortunately, she went on a killing rampage in the village I grew up in as it turned out it was possessed by a demon from the nether planes of hell. The local priest ended up saving us with a well-timed exorcism. I would recommend you look into getting your doll checked out. Best of luck finding the correct John Silver, and with saving your friends and family from your doll,

John 'Not trained in the supernatural' Silver

PS: Headphones are traditionally worn over the ears for maximum enjoyment.

Fortunately, Theresa felt the need to explain, and we started chatting back and forth. Which was nice.

From: Theresa ******* <theresa*********>
Subject: Re: (no subject)
Date: 16 Oct, 2017

Oh thank you, please delete the pictures,  they were meant for my brother with same name as you,..The sketches are part of my daughters art work for school..for her exams Most sorry you found disturbing. 
Thank you

From: John Silver <>
To: Theresa ******* <theresa*********>
Subject: Re: (no subject)
Date: 16 Oct, 2015

No problem at all. Just thought I should let you know. Wish your daughter the best of luck with her exam on the Occult.

From: Theresa ******* <theresa*********>
Subject: Re: (no subject)
Date: 16 Oct, 2017

Thank you appreciate you letting me know, yes agree doll rather scary but for 14 I think it's pretty good art.
Many thanks.

From: John Silver <>
To: Theresa ******* <theresa*********>
Subject: Re: (no subject)
Date: 16 Oct, 2015

I get emails sometimes for people with my name, so I always try and let them know - I'd want the same! And yes, your daughters art is very good, she draws like an artist possessed. I'm sure she'll do very well on her exam.

From: Theresa ******* <theresa*********>
Subject: Re: (no subject)
Date: 16 Oct, 2017

I truly thought it was my brothers email, so I do appreciate.You never know with a name like Silver,  we might be related !! 
Thanks..once again..

Theresa seemed very nice, but I hope we’re not related, because then the doll might come after me…

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